Consumer Action: Advocates call foul as CFPB hides consumer complaint narratives from public view

Consumer Action, August 2020: Advocates call foul as CFPB hides consumer complaint narratives from public view

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was created to be an effective advocate and ally for hardworking Americans when they are dealing with or are victims of extremely powerful financial firms. Unfortunately, the Trump administration has turned the CFPB into a predator protection bureau, leaving Main Street financial consumers to fend for themselves. Its latest move: quietly bury consumer complaint details, also known as narratives, by removing information and links to the consumer complaints database from its homepage. This is a gross disservice to consumers, especially those who are infrequent or first-time users of the database, who will find it difficult to track complaints about consumer financial products and services or learn about ongoing disputes with financial firms.

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