CPR News: Life With 11 Roommates: Why Housing Co-Ops Appeal To Coloradans Looking For Change

CPR News, April 17, 2023, Life With 11 Roommates: Why Housing Co-Ops Appeal To Coloradans Looking For Change

Hall was in charge of Mango Manor’s contribution to the potluck, which included a dish dubbed “The Amazing Mango.” It consists of broccoli and tofu in a special peanut sauce. Despite being a relatively new resident of Mango Manor, Hall has lived in housing co-ops for 16 years, and he loves it.

“I’m fascinated by intentional living. We’re like a mini society here… We pool our money and buy food together. We have our own kind of governance system using non-violent communication to resolve conflicts, restorative justice and consensus decision making,” Hall said.

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