
Magic 106.5: Study: Before COVID-19, a small number of booming cities struggled with gentrification. The rest simply struggled.

Magice 106.5, June 18, 2020: Study: Before COVID-19, a small number of booming cities struggled with gentrification. The rest simply struggled.

San Francisco was the most intensely gentrified city in America from 2013 to 2017, a new study found. But the emergence of COVID-19 exposed deep economic and social fault lines nationwide. While a small number of cities were booming, most were not.

The study, from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), identified new rankings for the most gentrified cities in the country. San Francisco was followed by Denver, Boston, Miami and New Orleans. They had the largest share of their vulnerable neighborhoods that gentrified during that time period.

However, the boomtowns were rare. Throughout the rest of the country, the community and personal challenges of chronic disinvestment and poverty, rather than growth and displacement, was common throughout nearly all LMI neighborhoods.

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