NCRC Statement: New Affordable Housing Legislation From Maxine Waters Deserves A Floor Vote

In response to Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ introduction of a slate of major legislation Wednesday, National Community Reinvestment Coalition President and CEO Jesse Van Tol released the following statement:

The affordable housing crisis in this country has been undermining quality of life for tens of millions of people for decades – And the recent interest-rate spike has only poured gas on the fire.

These new proposals that would invest a combined $250 billion in affordable housing and down-payment support are appropriate steps toward lightening the impossible burdens working-class Americans face.

In the hyperpartisan environment that’s swallowed Washington in recent years, stuff proposed by those in the minority too often get ignored out of hand by the majority. But everyone agrees these issues need to be urgently addressed. These bills are an opportunity for congressional leadership to show that both parties view affordable housing as a national priority.

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