
Vision: To support individuals from low wealth communities through strengthening small businesses and creating structured pathways for income and asset producing entrepreneurship.  

Mission: Develop, test, pilot and promulgate best practices and pathways for business growth and entrepreneurship in low wealth communities.

One-on-One Counseling

We work closely with our clients to insure efficient business operations, use of best business management practices, strategic planning, problem solving, resource identification and financial literacy/loan packaging.

Strategic Plan Development

We will review existing plans or assist our clients in developing a business plan from scratch. We ask our clients to think strategically about what they are planning, to know their competition and to incorporate the latest laws, regulations, tax changes, and the like, into their thinking.

Opportunity Identification and Vetting

SBTC assists its clients to identify and develop procurement pipelines by closely monitoring local, state and federal procurement and contracting activities and by regularly meeting with officials at various local and federal agencies.

Financial Loan Support

SBTC assists its clients by helping to determine their loan requirements, by educating them on what banks (and other financial institutions) will be looking for, by reviewing the strategic plan and required financial documents prior to submission, and by referring clients to banks and other financial institutions.

Teaming Agreements

SBTC facilitates teaming by maintaining a database of vetted small businesses with experience in government and commercial contracting. As opportunities are uncovered, we present appropriate partners, based on opportunity requirements, for consideration.

If you’re looking to generate new business through government contracts, please contact us.
The Small Business Technical Center is operated by NCRC and funded by JP Morgan Foundation.
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