Presentation at the 2018 Just Economy Conference.
Session Title: Strategies to Fund and Implement Workforce Development
Access to credit and capital begins with a “good job”. A good job brings affordable homeownership within reach for the working class. Currently, 6.2 million jobs go unfilled every day because employers cannot find the trained employees they need. Building a well-funded workforce training program is key to the stability of a low- and moderate-income community. Participants will leave this session with an understanding of the critical components to a successful training program, from vocational training curricula to soft skills competencies and to wrap-around supportive services and how to build one in their communities.
Speaker: Robert Hassinger, Workforce Employment Manager, NCRC, Washington, DC
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Speaker: Tony Tullio, Workforce Consultant, Rancho Mirage, CA
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Speaker: Andrew Wells, Director, Workforce Development, Chicago Urban League, Chicago, IL @ChiUrbanLeague
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