
NCRC Delivers 2023 Policy Agenda To New Congress

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) on Monday presented its comprehensive 2023 policy agenda to members of Congress following the swearing-in of the new legislature.

The document’s recommendations for congressional and executive-branch action to promote economic justice are grouped along four core themes. Government action to build the Just Economy should be equitable, localized, forward-looking and oriented to community needs.

The full policy agenda may be accessed here.

Highlights of the specific policy actions named in NCRC’s 2023 policy agenda include:


  • Implement a strong, modernized Community Reinvestment Act
  • Conduct more stringent review of bank mergers to ensure communities benefit
  • Make permanent the Community Advantage Loan pilot program


  • Tailor climate resilience and infrastructure investments to frontline community needs
  • Tighten and modernize oversight of online financial services companies


  • Deliver a robust final Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation
  • Strengthen enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act


  • Rapidly increase funding for long-term, high-quality affordable housing 
  • Overhaul the Federal Home Loan Bank system

Media interested in speaking with NCRC staff about these or any other specific recommendations in the 2023 NCRC policy agenda should email apyke@ncrc.org. 

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